Welcome by the Mayoress of Carreño

As Mayoress of Carreño I am especially proud to welcome to our municipality the more than 300 representatives who will attend the fourth gathering of the European Rural Parliament, which will be held in Candás on November 6-9, 2019. The seaside village of Candás, capital of the rural municipality of Carreño, in this wonderful region,…

General information

The 4th European Rural Parliament: November 6-9, 2019 We invite you to join us in the Province of Asturias in Spain for the 4th European Rural Parliament on November 6-9, 2019. Asturias, hospitality engages and quality captivates. Asturias is the germ of Spanish rural tourism, a way of traveling that has its roots in the…

Welcome by the President of READER

Dear potential participants of the 4th European Rural Parliament: I invite you to come to our land, ancient Kingdom of Spain, to the Principality of Asturias, and welcome you to discover our beautiful region, and to meet together in this important event, the IV European Rural Parliament 2019 (ERP). The Principality of Asturias, known as…

Pan-European Networks

The European Rural Parliament is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe; and to promote self-help and action by the rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. Why is it needed? 200 million people, almost one third of the population of the wider Europe, live in rural areas….

About REDR

The Spanish Network for Rural Development (REDR) is a non-profit association established in 1995 with the generic objective of promoting a model of integrated and sustainable rural development. REDR is currently made up of Territorial Networks that include more than 180 Rural Development Groups from all over Spain, which manage Programmes and Initiatives related to…


The Asturian Network for Rural Development (READER) is a non-profit organization created in October 1999 and one of the most unique rural development associations currently existing in Spain. It is the meeting point, reflection and cooperation, where 71 municipalities of the Principality of Asturias promote projects or other initiatives aimed at creating employment and wealth…

Local Action Groups (LAG) within READER

The Asturian Network of Rural Development (READER) has 11 Local Action Groups (LAG), also named “Rural Development Groups” (RDG) LAG for the Development of Alto Nalón, Laviana, Caso and Sobrescobio municipalities (Alto Nalón) Association Development Center of Alto Narcea Muniellos (CEDER Alto Narcea Muniellos) RDG Association of Bajo Nalón (Bajo Nalón) Association for the Integral…


Organise: European Rural Parliament (ERP) Red Asturiana de Desarrollo Rural (READER) Ayuntamiento de Carreño Collaborate: Red Española de Desarrollo Rural (REDR) Partnership for Rural Europe (PREPARE) European Rural Community Alliance (ERCA) European LEADER Association for Rural Development (ELARD) Turismo AsturiasRENFE Finance: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación Gobierno del Principado de Asturias – Consejería de…