VANESSA HALHEAD Honorary President of Scottish Rural Action (SRA). Member of the Steering Group of the European Rural Parliament (ERP). Co-coordinator of ERP2019 What evaluation can you make of ERP2019, what experience do you remember? The 4th ERP was exceptionally good. It was a huge feat of planning and organisation and it worked extremely well,…

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The pre-registration period is now opened to participate in ERP2019!
Here you will find the Pre-Registration Form (Click here)

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Check out here the full list of Workshops (Click here)
“The LAGs showed real inventiveness, flexibility and ability to react to the crisis: they are so local that they can react quickly and do exactly what they need to do”
MARION ECKARDT President of European LEADER Association of Rural Development (ELARD), the network that brings together all the Local Action Groups in Europe (LAG). She has worked like LAG manager in Southwester Sweden, so she has a long experience with the LEADER method. Member of the Steering Group of the European Rural Parliament (ERP). Evaluation…
“I would recommend Spain to organize the first Rural Parliament: Covid-19 will pass and the world can become much better”
LEOTRIM GERMIZAJ National Coordinator of Network of Organizations for Rural Development of Kosovo (NORDK) – the leading network for rural development in the country. Member of the Steering Group of the European Rural Parliament (ERP). One year later, what assessment can you make of the ERP 2019 in Candás? My personal impression of the ERP…
Candás Declaration calls for a “tuned rural agenda” between civil society and political organisations
The European Rural Parliament (ERP), held in Candás between 6 and 9 November, calls for “a truly attuned rural agenda” between civil society and the political organisations that design policies, where “inclusive cooperation and partnership at all levels are combined to ensure that rural Europe thrives”. A total of 335 delegates representing 38 European countries,…
“It is imperative that Europe listen to the rural world today”
Speech by Adrián Barbón, President of the Principality of Asturias The President of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, who gave the inaugural speech of the 4th European Rural Parliament, said that he was very clear about a series of aspects, where the real voice of the inhabitants of the rural world…
European Rural Youth Parliament calls for action on its own Candás Declaration
As a vivid flare, the second European Rural Youth Parliament (ERYP) has issued a Declaration that states 10 calls for action regarding the most urgent challenges faced by young Europeans. The document represents issues and specific steps that must be taken by decision-makers and fellow youth to make rural a better place for living. It…
Young people designing their own future in Europe’s rural environment
Young Europeans made their needs and interests clear during the second European Rural Youth Parliament (ERYP) in Candás between 4 and 6 November, and that is that they have their own voice, they want to be heard and nobody speaks for them. They have identified their demands very well and thus want to transfer it…
ERYP puts an end to it by giving rise to “Europe’s real rural agenda”
Three days of intense work have just put an end to the European Rural Youth Parliament (ERYP) where 70 young people from 15 European countries have highlighted the main needs they detect from their experience in order to stay in rural areas creating business opportunities and life options. Five issues have been identified by the…
“Young people need to be protagonists in rural development processes”
Intervention of Marcelino Marcos Líndez, President of the General Assembly of the Principality of Asturias Good morning, everyone; For many years ago the countryside was seen as an exotic place that waited silently and that was punctually used as a refuge for the inhabitants of the cities that escaped to breathe and in search of…