Asturias, in the village of Candás, will be the key and contact point for the rural voice. Join us on November 6-9, 2019 for the next 4th ERP 2019!
Wednesday 6 November – Welcome to Asturias
17:00 onwards / Registrations
18:00 onwards / Cultural activities, visits around Candás
19:30 – 23:00 / Cultural evening
With the performances of:
- Bandina of Bagpipes Band of Candás
- Vocal Tecnhique Group Group, from ‘Miguel Barrosa’ Music School, led by Mr. David Colado
- Popular chorus and ‘Danza Prima’ Group, led by Ms. Mª Esther Vega Menéndez
- ‘Nordeste’ chorus, led by Alfredo Pérez Pantiga‘Rodada’
- Amagüestu and Espicha (Asturian traditional meal)

Thursday 7 November – Learn and diseminate. Visit Day
9:00 – 9:30 / Welcome to Candás and to the 4th European Rural Parliament
- Ms. Amelia Fernández López, Mayoress of Carreño
- Mr. Belarmino Fernández Fervienza, President of Asturian Network of Rural Development – READER
Introduction to visits and activities of the day by Ms. Vanessa Halhead, Coordinator of European Rural Community Alliance– ERCA and ERP Steering
Group, and Ms. Marta Vergara Forés, Project Coordinator – READER
09:45 – 18:00 / Field Visits
22:30 – 23:00 / Gala Dinner
- ‘The challenges of the future rural development’. Ms. Isabel Bombal Díaz, Director-General of Rural Development, Innovation and Forestry Policy. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain
- ‘Navigating the future’. Ms. Antonia Husberg, Senior Officer on Rural Affairs. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Government of Finland
Performance by musical trio ‘Body & Soul’

Friday 8 November – Introduction to the ERP: Networking and discussions
9:00 – 10:05 / 1st Plenary – Opening and Introduction to the 4th European Rural Parliament
Welcome from Asturias and the ERP
Introduction to the national delegations and other participants
- Ms. Amelia Fernández López, Mayoress of Carreño
- Mr. Belarmino Fernández Fervienza– READER
The ERP Co-Iniating Partners:
- Mr. Staffan Nilsson, President of European Rural Community Alliance – ERCA and ERP Steering Group
- Mr. Āris Ādlers, President of Partnership for Rural Europe – PREPARE
- Mr. Maria JoãoBotelho, President of European LEADER Association for Rural Development – ELARD
Opening speech:
- Mr. Adrián Barbón Rodríguez, President of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
Introduction of the 4th ERP
- ‘The ERP – Who we are and what we have done since the 3rd ERP’. Mr. Petri Rinne, European Rural Community Alliance – ERCA and ERP Steering Group
10:05 – 11:15 / Setting the context
- ‘EU rural policy and rural communities – The future post 2020’. Mr. Mihail Dumitru, Deputy Director-General at Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Comission
Inspirational speakers
- ‘Urban-rural relations’. Mr. Jaime Izquierdo Vallina, Comssioner for the Demographic Challenge of Asturias
- ‘Rural renaissance: The transformative potential of community-led responses to climate emergency’. Ms. Francesca Whitlock, Co-President of European Network for Community-led Initiatives on Climate Change and Sustainability (ECOLISE)
Inspirational local examples of rural development
- ‘Eigg – Journey of an island revival’. Ms. Camille Dressler, Chair of European Small Islands Federation – ESIN
- ‘With a handshake’. Mr. Gent Imeraj – Albanian Alps Alliance – AAA
- ‘Intentional Communities as a path to sustainability, social connectedness and regeneration of rural areas’. Mr. Cora Pausch – Ecovillage Los Portales
- ‘Collaborative river cleanup days in the countryside of Latvia’. Ms. Santa Smite – NGO Boat of Selonia
- ‘Socio-Environmental Development:Agroecology and social inclusion’. Mr. Antonio García Méndez y Mr. Pablo García Lastra (Fundación EDES)
Directions for the workshops by Ms. Vanessa Halhead – ERCA/ERP – and Ms. Marta Vergara Forés– READER
11:15 – 11:45 / Coffee Break
11:45 – 13.00 / Workshops – 1st session
13:00 – 14:30 / Networking lunch
Performance by the Guitar Group from the ‘Miguel Barrosa’ Music School, led by Ms. Noemí González Sagüillo
14:30 – 15.45 / Workshops – 2nd session
16:00 – 18:00 / Market of Initiatives
Lead by Ms.Marina Guédon, Co-Coordinator of Forum Synergies – FS
16:00 – 18:00 / ERP Partners meeting
16:00 – 18:30 / Intercultural Activities
Exhibitions – ERP national and European partners
Information corner and video and photo presentations
Group discussions – Free programme
18:00 – 18:30 / Meeting
Visit of Ms. María Luisa Carcedo Roces, Minister or Health, Consumption and Social Welfare of the Government of Spain
20:30 – 22:30 / International networking dinner
- ‘The French Rural Agenda, a first step towards a European Rural Agenda?’ Mr. Gérard Peltre, president of Rurality Environment Development (RED)
Cultural exchange and tasting of international products.
- Performance by teachers of electric guitar and violoncello from ‘Miguel Barrosa’ Music School of Carreño, Mr. Alejandro Lafuente y Mr. Javier Fernández
- Performance by ‘Coro de la Bodega’ (chorus), led by Mr. Salvador Cuervo
Transport back to outlying accommodation

Saturday 9 November – ‘Giving rural people voice’
9:00 – 10:30 / 2nd Plenary – The future of European Rural Policy
- ‘Environment, the best guarantee for the future of rural territories’. Mr. Hugo Morán Fernández, Secretary of State for the Environment. Ministry for the Ecological Transition of the Government of Spain
Panel ‘The future of European Rural Policy’:
- Mr. Jonás Fernández Álvarez, Member of the European Parliament –MEP – and of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
- Ms. Beata Adamczyk, Policy Officer at Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Comission
- Mr. Guillaume Cros,Vice-President of Regional Council of Occitanie, Committee of the Regions- CoR
- Mr. John Bryan, member of European Economic and Social Committee – EESC
- Chair: Mr. Hannes Lorenzen, president of Agricultural and Rural Convention 2020 (ARC2020).
10:30 – 11:00 / Coffee break
11:00 – 11:15 / 2nd Plenary – The future of European Rural Policy
- ‘Agenda 2030 and location of Sustainable Development Goals –SDG – in rural areas’. Ms. Cristina Gallach Figueres, High Comssionerfor Agenda 2030 in Spain
11:15 – 12:50 / 3rd Plenary – Results, discussions and message
Message from the ERP:
- Mr. Kim Smedslund, Secretary General Partnership for Rural Europe – PREPARE
- Mr. Leotrim Germizaj, ERP Steering Group
‘Building the future ERP together’
- Mr. StaffanNilson– ERCA/ERP
- Mr. Āris Ādlers– PREPARE
- Mr. Kristiina Tammets, Vice-President of European LEADER Association for Rural Development – ELARD
- GoranŠoster, Vice-President of Partnership for Rural Europe– PREPARE
- Vanessa Halhead– ERCA/ERP
Signing of the Candás Declaration
- Mr. Belarmino Fernández Fervienza – READER
- Mr. Staffan Nilsson– ERCA/ERP
- Mr. Āris Ādlers– PREPARE
- Mr. Maria João Botelho– ELARD
12:50 – 13:40 / Closing of the 4th ERP
- Mr. Petri Rinne, Finnish Village Movement Association – SYTY/ERP
- Mr. Luis Miguel Rebustiello, Manager at Asturian Network of Rural Development – READER
- Intervention by Mr. Alejandro Calvo Rodríguez, Counselor of Rural Development, Agrolivestock and Fisheries of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
Asturias and Europe anthems. Performance by Bagpipes Band of Candás, led by Mr. Velu Muñiz
13:45 – 14.45 (onwards) / Networking lunch
Musical performances by:
- Students of the School of Traditional Tonada ‘El Cantu la Vara’, ledbyJosé Antonio González ‘El Cantu la Vara’
- Music Band of Candás
Donwload ERP Programme

Credits: Turismo Asturias – Alejandro Badía