People need mobility services to live a daily life independent of a car, whether from necessity or by their choice. The lack of suitable mobility services is a serious challenge in much of rural Europe, where there is limited or no regular organised public transport. While there have been huge advances in sustainable mobility in urban areas, there is not yet any counterpart for rural areas. This appears to stem primarily from lack of goal- and target-based Policy that addresses rural mobility.
The workshop will deal with possible new directions for rural mobility, through a set of structured group discussions. The main themes addressed will be: (i) the current limitations in rural mobility and how they impact on individuals, communities, local businesses and the work of support agencies; (ii) existing good practice and emerging solutions that could form the toolbox and guidance for improved rural mobility; (iii) whether/how new or adapted policy could enable better rural mobility, and what is appropriate to different levels of policy-makers (EU, national, regional, local); and (iv) what can practically be achieved within the existing framework. The target output of the workshop is a concise set of statements for consideration by ERP.
This workshop is facilitated by the SMARTA project, funded by the European Commission and managed by DG-MOVE. A wide range of materials can be found at

Leader / Speaker
Giorgio Ambrosino is an expert in Urban Public Transport, Urban mobility, Logistics and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Over the last 35 years, Giorgio Ambrosino (GA) has gained a significant experience in supporting Public Authorities and Transport Operators in the design of services and implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Public Transport including Intermediate and Flexible (i.e, DRTS – Demand Responsive Transport Services) for rural areas and/or elder and disable citizens, Urban Mobility, Traffic Management and City Logistics services. His expertise covers large projects for Public Transport (Fleet Management Systems, User Information Systems, E-Ticketing,), Urban Mobility Planning (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, Bus Rapid Transit Corridors, Transport Infrastructures and Network, Traffic Network Modelling and Assessment, etc.), Traffic Management (Urban Traffic Control schemes, Access Control Systems, Bus Priority, Integrated Parking Systems, Variable Message signs etc.), City Logistics Services (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan, logistics services and operators networking, B2B and B2C services, regulation framework, etc).

Leader / Speaker
Brendan Finn is an independent transport consultant based in Ireland. He has 40 years of experience in public transport operations, management, support systems and institutional/regulatory frameworks. He has participated in many European projects on ITS, including its application for DRT and rural transport. He has worked extensively in Europe, Asia and Africa on a wide range of projects in passenger transport policy, regulation and implementation.

Leader / Speaker
Andrea Lorenzini is a Transport Engineer working at MemEx (Italy). His areas of expertise include passenger and freight transport, smart cities, urban logistics and transport poverty. He has also provided technical assistance to clients mainly in the urban logistics management and in the public transport services planning fields. He has participated to studies on transport inclusivity and accessibility, end-users’ involvement and on goods intermodal transport (maritime and railways) and currently is the technical manager of the SMARTA Project.