Mountain territories have strong innovation and growth potential in the areas of key importance to the European Union’s objectives, for example in green growth (energy, bioeconomy…) or inclusive growth (strong communities, welcoming territories…).
To begin the session, Euromontana will introduce examples of (innovative) governance addressing specific challenges of European rural mountainous areas and including social innovation.
An interactive part will allow the participants of the workshop to share their experiences on the topic. Finally, the workshop will reflect on “how to” develop the place-based and territorial approach of the integrated governance in mountains areas as a driver of mountains’ development.

Leader / Speaker
Laura Gascón Herrero is European project officer in Provincial Government of Teruel since 2009. She joined the entity for leading the project PADIMA about depopulation in Mountain Areas, that was the first step in a career linked with rural development, territorial leading and “smart” management in mountain areas. She is member of Euromontana’s board since 2017.

Blandine Camus joined Euromontana as Policy and Communication Officer in February 2019. A graduate of Political Sciences in Strasbourg, Blandine is working on smart governance in mountain areas with the Horizon2020 project SIMRA and the Smart Villages concept.