Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on common rules for the internal market for electricity and amending Directive 2012/27/EU have set in Europe a new concept: Citizen Energy Communities. This directive should be transposed in every EU member country, including into the Spanish legal framework.
Unión Renovables – renewable energy cooperatives Spanish federation, which includes 20 members representing 100.000 consumers – considers Citinzen Energy Communities an Energy Transition big challenge, in order to activate and empower people through participation into a decentralized and democratic energy systems, fostering local sustainable development. Municipalities, urban, and especially rural ones, have a remarkable role in Energy Communities creation and management, always following social and solidarity-based economy rules.
We will show some Spanish rural energy communities examples, also offering discussion time about key elements to create them.
Leader / Speaker
Pablo Álvarez Fernández, President and Co-founder of Nosa Enerxía S. Coop. Galega. He has a Degree in Political Science and Administration by the University of Santiago de Compostela. Coordinator in Unión Renovables. Member of the Board of Directors of Espazocoop (Federation of Galician Cooperatives).

Alfonso García Márquez, tecnichal agricultural engineer with extensive experience in cooperative and social economy companies management. Secretary and Head in HR in Goiener Basque Cooperative. Unión Renovables president and REAS representative.